Sunday, December 30, 2012

Smith's Food and Drug

Dear Smith's Food and Drug,

While I was at Smith's I was excited to find cookies in the discount bakery section. They were only 49 cents. It was internally jumping for joy at the thought of cookies for such a cheap amount and placed the package in my cart. As I was examining the receipt at home, I noticed that the cookies rang up as $1.99. Tears came to my eyes thinking about my great deal on cookies gone awry. I would have noticed the error as the item was scanned at the store, but the cashier was so quick that I was still putting items on the belt when the cookies were scanned and didn't notice the error. Upon examination of the cookies, the price tag on the bottom of the cookie package said $1.99 and rang up as donuts (as printed on the receipt). The top sticker was the one stating the proper price and item name. This is not the first time I have experienced the wrong price being rung up at the register at Smith's. I would encourage you to look into finding more ways to prevent inaccurate pricing from being scanned at the register.

Thanks for your time,


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